It can be hard to watch someone you care about struggle with depression, especially when nothing you say seems to make a difference. Here's how to (actually) help.
How To Help A Loved One With Depression.
Stephen Arterburn discusses with Focus On The Family how to better understand and help loved ones who are suffering from depression.
5 Things Not To Say To Someone With Depression
Psych2Go shares 5 common phrases that people say that could make someone with depression feel worse.
A Message To The Depressed
"It's more than not just feeling happy. You can't bring yourself to be happy."
11 Things People With Depression Would Like You To Understand
Understanding depression is a good step towards helping friends or family members who are having depression. Depression isn't as simple as "feeling sad", its much more.
14 Ways To Tell If Someone is Suicidal
Suicide is a very sad but very real situation for many people around the world. Here is a list of potential signs to look for if you think someone you know may be considering suicide.
Friends Helping Friends
How do you know when a friend just needs help or needs professional help?
How To Help Someone With Depression
Really, there are no clear cut ways to help someone since each person has different needs and respond differently, but here are five small things you can do.
What People With Depression Want You To Know
"We scoured the internet, asked our friends, and wrote down our own confessions about depression."
How To Help A Suicidal Friend
1. Ask 2. Listen 3. Tell
How To Help Someone Who Is Suicidal
Take them seriously. Call 911 immediately.Your friends life is more important than their privacy.
Talk Saves Lives
"We need you to be the voice of suicide prevention. It can be as simple as reaching out to a friend because Talk Saves Lives.